Friday, January 12, 2018

Silence has many faces

A silence I know envelopes me in the warmth and comfort of a peaceful heart. 
The deep quietness it brings leads me strait into the joyous and grateful force of my nature. I feel myself relaxing for I have come to know this place well, I have learned to enter the stillness in which my soul hears God´s words. This practiced silence weaves all that I am into extraordinary tapestries of surrender, here I am held by love and communion. It is full and rich in its ample horizons, pulsing all my potential as it holds all that I am, all that I can be and have yet to become. 

I also have encountered a deadening silence filled with noise; screaming tears of unhealed wounds and despair locked into the bowels of the past. A frozen soundless coat weighing heavily upon my heart threaded with mistrust, shame and fear. A silence that holds back all the love there is, unspoken. A loneliness born from the conviction that there is no love, for me.  I have heard the silent cry of a void so deep and wide, so dark it swallows all light into nothingness.  I have felt the deafened thudding of a fist wound up tight, pounding on the walls of the heavy coffin of my armor.

Today I share the silence with you, dear friends. The singing breath brought by the wind as it blows over our bodies taking away a pain no longer real. A silence as we treat each other that carries the vibrancy and memory of the plains and mountains, valleys and oceans pulsating deep in our joined hands and hearts. 

A Reiki practice, rituals of quiet inwardness signaled by the singing of bells and the gentle rustling of bodies under blankets, turning over under loving hands. Kind and gentle caring soothingly diffused over body and soul.  A silence brought by gentle touch and the compassion shining in someone´s eyes and the slow curve of their smile. Kindred spirits brought together to share the silence born from our love for Reiki.

Casa Azul

Silent Retreat with Paul Mitchell

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