Monday, January 15, 2018

My Sacred Myth

Sacred Myth – Origin Story

Dearest one, in this story I will tell you about the depth and the vastness of Life itself, with words that are not big enough to hold the wonder and the essence of the Unnamed one, our Beloved Creator.

It is a story that begins with a potential so vast, with a Love so powerful and indescribable that it opened space, a vast pregnant emptiness waiting to become. At first, all this force was contained, imagine it could fit in the tiniest grain of sand, so small that you could not see it with your eyes; and yet sweet soul, you could feel it everywhere, it vibrated and sang, it was so very big inside
Just like you are!

The power of Life remained very still for the longest time, for a whole eternity. Then came the time when it could not be still anymore and the breath of Life ignited its power and it exploded into great showers of light and heat, illuminating the immensity of the universe with millions and millions of planets and stars spiraling into space.

Among the 200 billion galaxies that exist in the universe, there is a galaxy we named the Milky Way, you can it if you look up on very clear nights. Inside it, our wondrous blue planet Earth came to be. It too began as a great ball of fire with volcanos bursting up into the skies, spitting red streaks and huge black clouds shaking energy into matter that became rocks and mountains, valleys, oceans, rivers and lakes. Volcanoes warmed up the earth and gave way to water and life, sparking life force within tiny squiggling micro-organisms, that kept searching and finding their flourishment in a wild natural world. Elements intertwined fostering rhythms, balancing wind, fire, soil, air and water, forming cyclic seasons. Life Giving Breath continued to flow, fostering life as plants and animals came to inhabit forest and skies, oceans and land.

Can you imagine it my sweet little one? Close your eyes and see our vibrant Earth spinning on herself. She is a heavenly dancer keeping tempo, spiraling of the moon, the sun, planets and starts, forever extending her light towards the heavens in her incomparable beauty. She is a life-giving organism, breathing and pulsing in harmony with a heartbeat buried deep within herself, like your ow heart.  She is self-sufficient, whole and perfect, just as you are.

As the essence of All that Is, evolved and expanded, the first man and woman were created and with them came the gift of consciousness, the freedom of choice. We are children of both heaven and earth, flesh and spirit, heart and mind, different yet one and the same.

The quest and wonder of the Eternal Spirit dwells in our physical body, it comes alive at times of love and gratitude, of profound despair and pain. Like volcanoes busting forth, our soul awakens within us a deep longing for communion and belonging, calling us to become who we are meant to be; to grow inward towards the Divine and to reach out to the divinity of each other.

Remember, Life on earth moves in cycles. Sometimes these cycles can be long and slow, while others are shorter and fast. You will find some will be blissful and others will be painful; there will be moments when you know you belong, clearly seeing the meaning and unfolding of your life. Others that will be dark and lead you to despair and confusion.

Practice silence, quiet down, listen, pray, and breathe in and out the essence residing within your being. Find your essence reflected in the eyes of another, in the delicate petals of a flower, in the flight of feathers and fluttering of tails, in the iridescent quiver of scales and fins and the furry warmth of furs. Find yourself reflected in skins of all colors, in every creed, you are boundless and you will find yourself vibrating in the wind and breath of Existence itself.

The human journey is made of both togetherness and aloneness, of unbearable joy and excruciating pain, you will learn to embrace life and death, union and isolation. Seek to find justice and restore the pain left by unfairness, discern the paths of duality and find unity. Look for what is precious to you and recognize the same desire in others, listen and speak from the truth of your heart.

Hold yourself in kindness, befriend all that makes you the person you are, embrace your beauty and your shadow, offer this to the world. Surrender to the mystery held in the reconciliation of your pain, loss, anger and wounded-ness, making peace inside of you. Pray and surrender to the coming together of opposites, fostering communion in your world. This will ensure the future of those coming after you, the future of the world. 

Little one, we are here to develop the capacity to see beyond ourselves, to imagine new worlds, to love and come together, to fight for what is just and reconcile what seems to be at war. We are meant to forever grow and transform, to reach towards our fullest potential and find our place in the world. Know this is just so, remember that you are forever loved in the holy breath of existence. Everything and everyone matters, be especially open and kind to the events and actions you do not understand or approve of. It is good to remember that Life´s mystery is filled with a knowing, so deep, so vast and eternal that we are safely held the tension of Life´s mystery.

Remember to be gentle and kind, take your time to know yourself and others. Be curious, keep your heart open and your mind wide. Breathe the width of life into your cells remembering that you are made of star dust, illuminating the creative consciousness that brought space, sound and movement to all that we know and are.  

You might forget it, or may have trouble finding your way back to your own Godliness, but remember sweet one, that you are never alone, that you are a perfect expression of the Eternal on earth. Remember that you are already enough, filled with endless potential.

Know that The Beloved holds you, and shines through you.

I see it in you
I know it
And so do you.

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