Friday, January 12, 2018

Life balance

Most of us have an image of what it means to live a balanced life. We know how valuable it is to have a healthy diet, to sleep enough, to exercise, to have loving, vital interpersonal relationships, to have hobbies, meditate or have some other discipline to quiet the mind.

We know this is the counterpart we need to balance the tension that stems from the demands of a work environment that never seems to end, a schedule where there is 'never enough time', of having to meet the demands of family duties, and the natural restrictions inherent to living in a place like Mexico City.

In my practice I often hear my patients say that they intuitively know what they 'should do' to feel better, but it seems too complicated to achieve. For example, cooking and taking home-cooked meals to work, sleeping more, reading or exercising, connecting and communicating with loved ones, turning off the television, not spending hours on social media.

What are the signs that tell us we need change in our life? Physical ailments or emotions that are hard to handle and communicate. It can also be feelings of oppression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability and depression. It can come up as tension and conflict in the couple, family or work relationships. In general, there is a sense of weariness, isolation and lack of meaning.

It is important to realize and respond to the messages sent by our body, feelings and thoughts. To live in equilibrium is an individual and dynamic experience, what was balanced yesterday might not be balanced today, because our life is in constant motion. What is true is that we are fully responsible to attend to our needs and hold the delicate alchemy of creating poise in our lives. 

To achieve it we need time and space, even if it is only a few minutes a day. Going inward, meaning 'going home' within ourselves is the way we can acknowledge what is happening to us, get a sense of what creates the tension or unease and unveil what we need. It is here where we can responses to our questions and possible solutions to our lack of balance.

It is not always easy to accept what is not longer valid, face our resistance to change, and the uncertainty residing in new decisions and behaviors. To sustain your process I offer you a simple breathing practice that calms the mind, opens your inner wisdom and observation skills.

Sit in a comfortable position, with your back strait and relaxed. Lightly rest the tip of an index finger at the base of your nose (between your nostrils) and feel a light pressure. If you find your mind wandering, apply a little bit more pressure to help you focus on your breath. Breathe normally, feeling the air going in and out of your nostrils, you will notice how your breath deepens, you might also sigh.

Do this breath for 3 to 5 minutes (at least) morning and evening. It will allow you the 'be home' within yourself as you begin your day and 'return home' before you go to sleep. After some practice you will no longer need to place your finger under your nose. If you are constant, you will see rapid changes and gain clarity about what you need to do to live a more well-adjusted life.

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