Friday, March 25, 2022


I am wrestling with my mind

as she pulls me in one direction

opening scenes of destruction

while calling me to its opposite end

invoking peace and reconciliation

I am wrestling with the questions

that pop up like bubbles in water

coming up to the surface questioning

the meaning of greed and suffering

causing tears in the eyes of so many

I am wrestling with my feelings 

as the jump off a cliff taking

my heart along for the ride

while I keep calling myself back

into the breath that calms me

I wrestle with the impending 

forces warring within me

about the meaning of creation

and the path of destruction

in human history 

I wrestle with the question

if there a way to hold 

a spiritual myth big enough

to contain the continuum 

residing in existence itself 

So I pray, I chant

I dance my prayers

crying for the pain of the whole

always held by the trust 

that we are not alone

that we are loved

May we be all held in trust

May we all be loved

May we all know

that we are not alone

This is my prayer